A tribute to the cult classic manga series, Initial D, a story that focuses on the world of illegal street racing in the mountains of Japan. Although originally a manga, many North Americans caught wind of the series through its animated series. One of the teams featured in the anime is the RedSuns, which consists of the brothers Ryosuke and Keisuke Takahashi. The pair are well known for their distinct yellow and white RX-7s.
- Measures 31.4 inches x 11.8 inches (80cm x 30cm)
- Stitched edge to prevent fraying
- Non-slip rubber backing
- Custom packaging
A tribute to the cult classic manga series, Initial D, a story that focuses on the world of illegal street racing in the mountains of Japan. Although originally a manga, many North Americans caught wind of the series through its animated series. One of the teams featured in the anime is the RedSuns, which consists of the brothers Ryosuke and Keisuke Takahashi. The pair are well known for their distinct yellow and white RX-7s.
- Measures 31.4 inches x 11.8 inches (80cm x 30cm)
- Stitched edge to prevent fraying
- Non-slip rubber backing
- Custom packaging